Leiden American Pilgrim Museum
Leiden American Pilgrim Museum
The Leiden American Pilgrim Museum Foundation (LAPMF) is a Dutch non-profit cultural and educational ‘ANBI stichting’, chartered in 1997, that promotes awareness of the significance of the Pilgrims in the Dutch-American heritage. The foundation's RSIN is 8063.07.717.
Specifically, the Foundation's four main activities are these:
Running the Leiden American Pilgrim Museum, which tells the Pilgrim story using collections of furnishings and artworks in a house built in 1370 whose rooms recall Pilgrim times;
Carrying out a project to transcribe, edit and publish 17th century documents related to the Pilgrims – thus providing the raw material for historians to use: e.g. in writing history books and articles
Carrying out and presenting historical research through writing books and articles (in part but not only using transcribed raw material), presenting lectures, and attending conferences
Running this website which contains information on the above activities and (much the greater in quantity) knowledge about the Pilgrims in Leiden.
In addition, the Foundation participates in a variety of other activities by virtue of its status in the world of Pilgrim history, e.g. conservation projects, advice on commemoration events and exhibitions, etc.